Celebrating World Arthritis Day 2017 12 October 2017 Bringing arthritis communities together to mark World Arthritis Day To mark the 22nd World Arthritis Day on 12th October and Bone and Joint Week from 12th-20th October, we will hold education and support group meetings in various locations across the UK for people with arthritis during the whole month of October. Attendees will hear from a variety of speakers on a range of issues affecting those with arthritis, including healthy eating, exercise, and physical therapy. Leicester-based Arthritis Action Member Pauline Walker, aged 60, said: “I’m an Arthritis Action member and have enjoyed the local Group meetings in which members, old and new have shared experiences and useful tips on managing arthritis. We have had invaluable input and support from the Charity and I have found the Groups to be pleasant, social occasions with a positive approach. “The theme for this year’s World Arthritis Day, “it’s in your hands, take action”, is a really good one as I know that I have a tendency to rely too much on medication and health professionals, and Arthritis Action events cover a range of issues such as pain management and the benefits of physical activity.” “Around 10 million people in the UK live with arthritis. It is the leading cause of pain and disability nationwide. Arthritis Action is lending its support to World Arthritis Day and calls on health communities everywhere to prioritise arthritis and help raise awareness of how the condition impacts those living with it.” Bristol-based Arthritis Action Member, Christine Wilmot, aged 60, said: “I have had Palindromic Arthritis since 2011 and joined Arthritis Action earlier this year. I’ve now been to three meetings in Bristol and have found them full of positive, helpful advice. The Group is quite small, friendly and informal, with everyone sharing their own experiences. I have learned useful ways to deal with pain and tiredness during ‘flare-ups’ and how to improve mobility through exercise, diet and relaxation.” Arthritis Action’s Groups offer people with arthritis a platform to meet others, share their stories, questions and tips on living with arthritis, whilst helping them to overcome the physical and emotional problems associated with the condition to improve their quality of life. Arthritis Action runs Groups in London, Bristol, Bury St Edmunds, Norwich, Staines, Eastbourne, Ferndown, Coventry, Leicester, and Warrington. Shantel Irwin, Chief Executive of Arthritis Action, said: “Around 10 million people in the UK live with arthritis. It is the leading cause of pain and disability nationwide. Arthritis Action is lending its support to World Arthritis Day and calls on health communities everywhere to prioritise arthritis and help raise awareness of how the condition impacts those living with it. “We are delighted to be bringing people with arthritis together to discuss their feelings and how arthritis impacts their everyday life. We hope to continue to empower people with arthritis in the UK to better manage the physical and emotional pain associated with the condition and help them lead more active lives.” If you are interested in attended any of our Group meetings this month: in Leicester on 10th October, Bristol on 16th October, Norwich on 18th October, Warrington on 21st October, Kent on 23rd October, Coventry on 30th October, or London on 31st October, email info@arthritisaction.org.uk or call 0203 781 7120 to reserve your space. Attendance is free of charge. For more events, visit our events calendar. Tweet