Launch of Key Report into Health Benefits of MSK Hubs 9 September 2024 Transforming gyms into community Musculoskeletal (MSK) Hubs offers hope to millions in pain We are pleased to announce the publication of the report “Transforming Gyms into Community Musculoskeletal (MSK) Hubs” in partnership with ukactive, Good Boost, Orthopaedic Research UK and ESCAPE-pain. The report highlights the findings from a two-year pilot project established to investigate the feasibility of using gyms and leisure centres to support people to manage their MSK conditions with exercise in a community-based setting. Researchers found that 44% of participants reported a noticeable improvement in the pain management of their condition, after attending the sessions for 12 weeks. Arthritis Action produced educational content and techniques to help break down some of the barriers to taking part in exercise, often experienced by people living with arthritis or long-term pain and mobility challenges. Pain, fear of injury and other factors can often put people off going to their local leisure centre. Participants had access to tablets with self-management resources from Arthritis Action, including planning and goal setting, sleep, mental health, nutrition and weight management. In addition, some of the participating leisure centres also provided peer support by creating Arthritis Community Groups to allow people to share tips and hints about arthritis and MSK conditions. Commenting on the report Noha Al Afifi, Interim CEO said: “It has been a pleasure to develop the educational content for the MSK Hubs programme, both for participants and via the training programmes, to upskill leisure centre staff. Our Arthritis Community Groups have brought individuals with arthritis together at a local level, introducing them to the benefits of exercise. It has been rewarding to hear the individual stories of how these physical activity sessions have impacted pain levels and reduced symptoms in participants. Collaboration and accessibility have been key, and we urge the Government to recognise the success of the project and help us to widen its impact”. The full findings and recommendations from the report can be found here You can read the press release here. For media enquiries, please contact us at