Gill's Story - Arthritis Action

Photograph of Arthritis Action Member Gill at a restaurant with a large glass of drink.Gill, 84 talks about how important being active is for body and mind and the impact joining Arthritis Action has had in helping her manage her osteoarthritis.

Pinpointing when my symptoms began is really difficult, I’ve suffered with back pain on and off my whole life and I have this distinct memory of a very wet camping trip to Wales when I was 13 where I felt like the damp crept into my bones and left me achy for weeks!

I have osteoarthritis as well as osteopenia and suffer particularly in my hips. Two years ago had to have a total hip replacement in my right hip.  That has revitalised my movement, but I now have mild to moderate inflammation in my left hip too. I remain under the rheumatologist and wait to see what might develop there.

I very much like to keep moving and have a regular programme of activities such as table tennis, Nordic walking and aqua and chair-based exercises I do on rotation throughout the week.  I do sometimes wonder if it is too much, but the advice I have had is that its all good as long as I pace myself – and I do it all at the slower speed.


I enjoy attending the online group zoom sessions, it good to find a sympathetic ear as in real life its hard to find someone you can have a really good cry with or moan too!

I found Arthritis Action via Facebook and what membership offered seemed too good to be true, but the service I have experienced has been fantastic value for money.

Even though I’m on the go, my biggest challenge is my weight which has been an ongoing battle for a long time.  Martin the Arthritis Action dietitian in particular has been so helpful, making me keep a food diet and his personal support and encouragement keeps me on track.  He sits in my head and whenever I want to reach for a naughty treat, he reminds me to be kind, but maybe just have half!

Having had an ulcer in the past I can’t take aspirin-based painkillers, so mainly stick to paracetamol, but with Martin’s help I have lost 8 kg and 8% of my body fat and this has helped me really reduce my dependence on pain medication.

I know that advancing years mean an uphill battle, but I am confident I can maintain or even slightly improve my current condition with Arthritis Action support.  My daughter lives in Australia and I try to do bi-annual visits.  Last time I made use of the assistance in travel scheme when flying and I will certain use that again – my plans are in place for 2025!