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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis and can cause joints to feel stiff and painful. It is more common in older people but can also affect younger people especially if there has been an injury to a joint. Sometimes OA causes the joints to swell and change shape, especially the finger joints, and sometimes the joints make creaking or cracking noises.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis can vary a lot. Sometimes there is no pain at all and sometimes the pain can be severe and moving them is difficult. There can be loss of muscle around the joints and this can make them feel weaker. Almost all joints can develop osteoarthritis but the most common places are the fingers, thumbs, knees and hips as well as the low back and neck.
Osteoarthritis used to be called “wear and tear” arthritis because it was thought that the joints gradually wore out with use and that this was inevitable as we get older. It is now known that the process of osteoarthritis is much more complicated. Inside the affected joints there is quite a lot of healing and repair going on, also called inflammation and this can include the formation of new bone which can contribute to some of the pain and stiffness. Although the risk of osteoarthritis increases as we get older, osteoarthritis is not inevitable. The other good news is that the pain of osteoarthritis can come and go and will not inevitably get worse.
Inside a joint with osteoarthritis there is loss of cartilage which surrounds the ends of the bones and acts as a shock absorber, and the formation of new bone which can cause the joints to look lumpy or become bent.
No-one knows exactly what causes osteoarthritis but it may be due to repeated small injuries that happen as part of daily life that don’t heal completely. Osteoarthritis can also run in families and injuries such as a broken bone or sporting injury can lead to osteoarthritis later in life. Being overweight puts extra strain on the weight-bearing joints, especially the knees and hips and this can lead to more severe osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is not caused by too much exercise and hard work does not damage the joints. People who have had sporting injuries are more likely to develop osteoarthritis in that joint but even extreme sportsmen and women are not more usually more prone to osteoarthritis.
If anything, exercise may help protect against osteoarthritis because strong muscles help to support the joints and people who exercise may be slimmer than those who don’t and keeping to a healthy weight can also help protect the joints from osteoarthritis.
Latest research suggests that exercise can actually increase the level of anti-inflammatory chemicals inside the joints and these can protect against cartilage loss and joint damage.
Osteoarthritis is most common in the ends of the fingers, the thumbs, the hips, knees, neck and low back.
Sometimes osteoarthritis causes no pain at all but the most common symptoms are:
Most people with osteoarthritis find that they have good days and bad days and sometimes the pain goes away completely.
Osteoarthritis is likely if:
Often no special tests are needed to diagnose osteoarthritis, but sometimes blood tests may be taken to make sure that nothing else is wrong and sometimes X-rays can help confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes MRI scans are used but these are usually not necessary. X-rays of the neck and low back are not useful in diagnosing osteoarthritis because they often show changes that happen normally with age and many people with these changes have no pain.
There is nothing that you can do to completely prevent osteoarthritis but there are lots of things that you can do to reduce your risk of developing osteoarthritis in the first place, and to reduce pain and improve function if you already have osteoarthritis.
Not necessarily. Some people with osteoarthritis can have no pain at all, yet their X-rays can look very abnormal, and some people with normal x-rays can have a lot of pain. Joint replacement surgery is done to improve pain and function and the decision to have surgery is never just based on x-ray results, so if you can manage your pain and stiffness well by yourself, then you may never need to have surgery.
If your pain is severe and you have tried all the simple self-management techniques that you can to improve the pain, then you may benefit from joint replacement surgery. The most commonly replaced joints are the hips and knees but other joints such as the shoulders, elbows, ankles and wrists and even the small finger joints can now be replaced. Joint replacement surgery can be extremely effective at reducing pain and more than 90% of people who have a hip or knee replaced are happy or very happy with the results. Modern joint replacements can last for 20 years or more.
Try out our arthritis-friendly recipes, which are easy to prepare and cook while also providing plenty of healthy ingredients and nutrients to help you manage your condition.
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