Young Adult Hub
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Tags 11 January 2018 2018 29 29 January 2018 a AAG AAGs activity acupuncture advice AGM alternative methods Anne Sabine Anne Williams annual lecture AP April arhtritis ARMA arthritis Arthritis Action ASK Associated Practitioner August Barbara Poncia barriers Ben Wilkins benefits birmingham Blackpool book collections Bristol Bristol Community Health Bristol Wellbeing Therapies Buckinghamshire Bury St Edmunds BuryStEdmunds Cambridge cambridgeshire cancellation cancelled CBT CCG CEO CHarlotte Walker chelmsford cheshire Chris Everrett Christmas Christmas 2017 chronic condition Claire Claire ROss Clinical Psychologist Colchester community Coventry covid-19 Dame Carol Black dance David Propert David Vaux Debbie Rose Derby diagnosis diet Dietitian difference doncaster Dr Wendy Holden dudley east anglia east midlands eastanglia Eastbourne Eastbourne Health Champions Eastbroune education Edwina Brocklesby elgin ely Emma Anderson Emma Brown emotional support end of year escape pain essex event exercise external external event. talks falls prevention February February 2018 feedback Ferndown Ferndown Leisure Centre festive season fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Support Group Coventry fitness food food and arthritis foot heath free future of work gadgets gardening Georgina Ducker Government Green paper Group Groups guided relaxation halifax Halton Fibromyalgia Support Group Hampshire Fire Service hands happiness pain signals health health care Health Prevention Heather Baumohl-Johnson Heatlh Prevention Promotion holidays huddersfield IAPT IPAT Ipswich James Wolege Jane Miles Janis Williams Jo Hall Jo Sinclair Julie Nicholls July June Katherine Dyer Kent Kevin Launch Leah Leah Boylan leeds leicester Leigh Walmsley library lincoln live liverpool liverpoolpool living with arthritis local community London long-term conditions and mental health Lucy Ross-Browne Lucy Savage Lunchtime Webinar Series Maidstone management manchester March March 2018 Martin Martin Lau Mary Maguire Matthew Rogers May MECC trainer meet our CEO Meet the CEO meet the team Meeting meetings Megan Felton Member Members Membership Memebers mental health midlands Mike Hathaway MiltonKeynes Mind Matters mindfulness movement muscles musculoskeletal muskuloskeletal New Year New Year 2018 newcastle NHS NNUH norfolk north North east north west northampton Norwich Norwich University Hospital Nottingham Nottinglahm IAPT November nurse nutrition OA october office closure online onlinegroup Oomph Open Meeting Open Mind Service Osteopath osteopathy osteoporosis pain pain management partnership patient peterborough Phillip Holloway phyiotherapists physical activity physical therapy Physiotherapist physiotherapy podiatry policy preparation psychological well-being public lecture RA Rachel Perry reading well reading well scheme Rebecca Richards Remedial Massage research review Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatologist Nurse ruth smith Sarah Sarah Gudgin seasonal Self-Management self-management approach selfmanagement September Shantel Shantel Irwin shielding Silverfit Siobhan Carroll SME south south east south west Southampton Southeast Sowmiya Elder SPecialist Rheumatology Nurse staffordshire Staines Stoke-on-Trent StokeonTrent strength suffolk Support SUrrey Heath surrey library service Sussex MSK Partnership talk TENS The Practice at Ferndown Think Action Kent TICCS tips Toone Tracey Ryan treatment Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust video virtual event virtualgroup Walking for health Warrington Warrington Libraries warwick warwickshire watch watford Wayne Robertson WDP Webinar wellbeing Wendy Holden west midlands Westminster Health Improvement Team winter wolverhampton women womentoday yoga yokshire york yorkshire Yusuf Mangera Zara Ford Agenda Agenda Day Month Week March – May 2025 Mar – May 2025 Collapse All Expand All Mar 28 Fri Online Coffee Morning Tickets Mar 28 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. Unlike our other Online Groups our Coffee Mornings don’t have a set topic, they are a chance for people to chat informally and get to know each other a little more. Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. Apr 2 Wed Online Arthritis Action Group Tickets Apr 2 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Join a group share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. The topic for this group is: Keeping active with arthritis Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. Apr 8 Tue Evening Online Arthritis Action Group Tickets Apr 8 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. The topic for this group is: Keeping active with arthritis Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. Apr 14 Mon Online Afternoon Tea Tickets Apr 14 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform Zoom. Unlike our other Online Groups our Afternoon Tea groups don’t have a set topic, they are a chance for people to chat informally and get to know each other a little more. Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. Apr 15 Tue Online Arthritis Action Group Tickets Apr 15 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Join a group share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. The topic for this group is: Keeping active with arthritis Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. Apr 24 Thu Evening Online Arthritis Action Group Tickets Apr 24 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. The topic for this group is: Keeping active with arthritis Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. Apr 25 Fri Online Coffee Morning Tickets Apr 25 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. Unlike our other Online Groups our Coffee Mornings don’t have a set topic, they are a chance for people to chat informally and get to know each other a little more. Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. May 7 Wed Online Arthritis Action Group Tickets May 7 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Join a group share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. The topic for this group is: Pain management Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. May 12 Mon Online Afternoon Tea Tickets May 12 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform Zoom. Unlike our other Online Groups our Afternoon Tea groups don’t have a set topic, they are a chance for people to chat informally and get to know each other a little more. Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. May 13 Tue Evening Online Arthritis Action Group Tickets May 13 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom. The topic for this group is: Pain management Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support. To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day. March – May 2025 Mar – May 2025
Join a group share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom.
The topic for this group is: Keeping active with arthritis
Our online groups are designed with accessibility in mind, and we are pleased to now offer closed captions to our online events. To participate in our events you will need an internet connection, but use of video is optional. We have prepared zoom setup guides to make attendance easier, so do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional support.
To take part please email: or telephone 0203 781 7120 and we will email you the joining details to use on the day.
Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform zoom.
Join a group, share your hints, tips and experiences with others about how you can manage your arthritis with confidence. We run multiple groups each month online using the platform Zoom.
Unlike our other Online Groups our Afternoon Tea groups don’t have a set topic, they are a chance for people to chat informally and get to know each other a little more.
Unlike our other Online Groups our Coffee Mornings don’t have a set topic, they are a chance for people to chat informally and get to know each other a little more.
The topic for this group is: Pain management