RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2023 19 July 2023 For a second year running, we developed and hosted an allotment garden at the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival from 4th – 9th July, with the fantastic help of our Trustee Colin Beevor and his Rheumatology team at Portsmouth Hospital. Arthritis Action Fundraising Manager Iza Seabrook said: “It has been wonderful to welcome visitors to our allotment garden at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival once again this year. We were able to speak to over 2,000 people throughout the week about the benefits of gardening for people who live with arthritis and share our volunteers’ tips, experiences and advice. Like last year, all the plants have been grown by staff and patients from Portsmouth Hospital. We are very grateful to Colin Beevor for all his hard work in designing and putting this together!” All of the allotment was grown and built by the staff and patients from Portsmouth Hospital, without whose help this never would have been possible. We are very grateful to Colin Beevor and his team for all their hard work in designing and putting the allotment together, helping us to spread awareness of the importance of self-managing arthritis through activities such as gardening. Visit our social media to see updates and photos from the Festival, and get inspired to start some gardening of your own. Follow us to stay updated: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.