Arthritis Action hold successful Self-management event in Exeter A third self-management event was held over two days, in Exeter, at the end of August. Twenty people attended, mainly members of Arthritis Action, but also some non-members from the local charity, Age UK Exeter, who had helped promote the event to the wider audience. The purpose of the event was to introduce self-management techniques to those with arthritis to enable them to take control of their arthritis symptoms so they can lead a fuller and more active life. On the day several people talked about their arthritis and how they manage it on a day-to-day basis, which helped break the ice and caused some laughs in the process. The programme centred on pain management techniques including the pain cycle, dealing with emotions, positive thinking and goal setting – these interactive sessions were led by Debbie Rose, experienced in pain and self-management techniques and a trustee for Arthritis Action. Martin Lau, our registered dietitian spoke about the charity’s Conquest Diet, and on the second day was able to ‘bust the myths’ surrounding food, supplements and the relevance to arthritis. Vivienne Coleman, programme manager for the charity, led a session on exercises for those with arthritis, and our local Associated Practitioner, Oliver Lurie, spoke about physical therapy, the importance of breathing properly and what happens when you first visit an Associated Practitioner. Everyone enjoyed the lunch which was provided as this offered an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation. Some quotes from the day: “Well presented and thought provoking” Learning about “positive thinking and depression management” “Diet is important” Use of “exercises and teaching them to friends” “Accept that I will have good and bad days and decide how to plan my day” “All very interesting and helpful” Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.