Arthritis Action returns to RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival - Arthritis Action

Arthritis Action returns to RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival

2 July 20204

Arthritis Action’s Interim CEO Noha Al Afifi is joined by Trustee Colin Beevor and the hard working team of volunteers from the Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust MSK Outpatient Services and friends who have put together a splendid, welcoming garden at this year’s RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival, on now till 7 July.  The team has worked hard to make this happen for a third year, growing the garden and securing the place.  It really is a delightful spot to visit!

Colin explained the concept of the garden, “Be Our Guest” is about giving others that space to start a conversation.  We know that the condition brings forth unique concerns, particularly related to mental and social health. Struggling with fatigue, anxiety, low mood while simultaneously coping with chronic pain. Connecting and talking with others who understand what you are going through when diagnosed with arthritis can feel as if a weight had been lifted of your shoulders and suddenly you feel that you are not alone.  We hope that you will drop by “Be Our Guest” and start that conversation”

Find us in the Allotment Gardens, at RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival now till 7 July.

Find out more about visiting here.