Arthritis ‘Affects Anyone’ Campaign 12 October 2019 Arthritis Action is commemorating World Arthritis Day (12th October) by launching a week-long campaign with the theme ‘Affects Anyone‘, to raise awareness for the condition and its prevalence in the wider population. The campaign will run 11 – 19th October. Despite the misconception it is an inevitable condition that comes with age, we know that arthritis does not discriminate; it can affect anyone. We want to break the stigma with our campaign showcasing six stories of real-life experiences with arthritis, Follow the campaign and share your thoughts, using the hashtag #AffectAnyone on our channels: Twitter Facebook Instagram Linkedin During this week, we are also supporting the Arthritis & Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) in their annual Bone and Joint Week campaign, 12-20 October, to help get people thinking about musculoskeletal health, policy matters, and the role of each person in improving it. More details about the campaign, here.