Healthy eating tips for arthritis 20 August 2019 The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) has recently updated its webpages on healthy eating for people who live with arthritis. The web article provides advice on the importance of, and evidence for, a well-balanced diet for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The article covers topics such as types of arthritis and diet, weight, physical activity, diet and inflammation, Mediterranean diet, supplements, and healthy eating patterns. BNF are seeking your help in reading and reviewing the web content, to ensure that the information is clear, accurate, balanced, evidence-based and up-to-date, and are looking for feedback from the people who it really matters to, living with, or directly affected by the condition. If you would like to help review the information, you will need to complete a short survey about the web article. Absolutely no experience or knowledge in nutrition is required, just an interest! You will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the appropriateness and relevance of the article, its content, presentation and length. You can read the new article here For further details on how to access the article and complete the survey, please go to this link Closing date for responding is: 31st August 2019 For any queries please contact Helena Gibson-Moore: The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) is a registered charity that delivers impartial, authoritative and evidence-based information on food and nutrition.