National Voices issue new report: Person-centred care in 2017 27 September 2017 National Voices has completed research and published a report looking at ‘patient-centred’ services in the NHS, over the last 20 years. The report explored the impact individual-focused care has made to patients over the years, in an attempt to inform future policy campaigns and greater plans to improve services. The research looked at service user reports from 19 England-wise surveys, and raised some particular important points around inclusion in decisions, care planning and coordination, and patient communications. Interestingly, the report highlights that, despite efforts, only 3% of people with one or more long-term health conditions reported receiving a written care and support plan. Other interesting findings tackle other aspects of the care system, including carer support and family involvement in a patient’s health plan, with less than a quarter of carers (23%) getting a social care assessment; mental health and other health inequalities; how good the GP service was reported; and looking at hospital in-patients and their perception of inclusion in medical decisions. National Voices is a coalition of more than 160 charities in health and care, advocating for person-centred care. Arthritis Action is an active Member of the coalition, supporting its focus on improving services for everyone in the healthcare field. You can read the full report here: Tweet