New government guidelines on shielding 24 June 2020 In response to the new Government guidelines around shielding that will come into effect from 6th July 2020, we have updated our ‘Making decisions about shielding’ document, produced in collaboration with other member organisations of the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) to support patients with conditions such as arthritis, requested to shield. The new guidance highlights that from 6th July, those who are shielding will be able to meet outdoors in groups of up to six people they do not live with, while maintaining strict social distancing. People who are shielding who live alone or in a single-parent household may also create a ‘support bubble’ with one other household, following the same rules that apply to the public now. Further government guidelines will also come into effect from 1st August 2020. Following this news, the partnership of ARMA organisations has now updated their document to reflect the latest guidelines. You can access the pdf document ‘Making decisions about shielding’ here – or visit our updated Covid-19 advice page for more up-to-date information around the current legislation, Frequently Asked Questions, exercise resources and recommendations for keeping well during this time.