New Occupational Health Taskforce to Improve Health at Work 4 March 2024 Arthritis Action welcomes the announcement that a new Government Occupational Health Taskforce will be set up to tackle in-work sickness and increase employer awareness of the role occupational therapy can play in improving health at work. Read the announcement here. The Taskforce plans follow the UK Government’s £64 million pilot of a new ‘WorkWell’ service, aiming to encourage 60,000 people with health conditions stay and succeed in work through integrated employment and health support. You can read more here. We know from our own Members that the ability to function efficiently at work when you have arthritis depends on an open relationship with your employer, flexibility and access to adjustments where necessary. Greater awareness of the benefit of occupational therapy services will only strengthen and support this dialogue between both parties. For information around work and arthritis for employees, and for a our Factsheet for Employers, please visit our webpage ‘Work and Arthritis’.