NICE Research Call 24 July 2017 NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence are looking for volunteers who have had a type of wrist surgery called “total distal radioulnar joint replacement for managing symptomatic instability and arthritis of the joint” to complete a questionnaire about their experience of the surgery and their satisfaction with the results. This is a fairly new type of operation which is done to help people who have instability and pain in the wrist because of arthritis, injury or previous surgery. This can also cause reduced grip. Distal radioulnar joint replacement is a type of wrist replacement designed to reduce pain and improve movement and function. At the moment, NICE do not know how well this surgery works, and whether it should be more widely used to help people with wrist instability, so they are very keen to hear from people who have had the operation and to get their feedback in the form of a questionnaire. Please click on this link to complete the questionnaire if you have had this type of operation and are willing to help: Questionnaire (opens new window) Interventional Procedures Guidance