Arthritis Action introduces weekly mobility routines 2 April 2020 New exercise routine suggestions on Arthritis Action social media channels to run every Wednesday, inspiring physical activity for people in self-isolation Every week, Arthritis Action’s Therapies Manager & Exercise Lead David Vaux, also a Registered Osteopath, will be curating free indoor exercise suggestions to help keep you active and manage your arthritis symptoms. Each weekly suggested routine will feature three different exercises, focusing on improving mobility for three areas of the body: the spine, hips and knees. The weekly exercises will be available across our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at 12pm every Wednesday. This comes at a critical time, during Government-led requests to remain indoors and self-isolate as much as possible, limiting outdoor opportunities for physical activity or joining exercise classes in the community or at a gym. Our exercises have been developed in partnership with Oomph!, and should be practiced at a comfortable pace. However, if you have any concerns about whether they are suitable for you, please consult a healthcare professional before taking part. You can find a full gallery of all our arthritis-friendly exercises on our website.