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Arthritis Action connects people who live with various forms of arthritis to a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, university led research studies, NHS led research studies and other accredited research institutions.
All studies advertised have UK ethical Committee approval and have been considered for their suitability for people living with arthritis to take part in. If you would like to take part in any of the research opportunities you may like to discuss it with your Healthcare Professional.
View Research Involvement Opportunities
Arthritis Action may be able to assist researchers to recruit people living with arthritis into research involvement/engagement opportunities. Further details can be seen below.
Some of our members are willing to take part in ethically approved research. Arthritis Action may also be able to use our social media channels to inform people about potential research opportunities. If you are a researcher and would like your research to be considered please complete a Research Request Form and return by email, to
Applications will only be accepted from the Lead Researcher. It will be at the discretion of Arthritis Action to decide whether or not the research is eligible for assistance/support and if so, how this is provided.
Influencing Research
Arthritis Action encourages research which reflects patient views and main concerns, and encourages and enables people living with any form of arthritis to take an active role in research. By engaging people living with arthritis in research and research project teams, Arthritis Action believes this can lead to a higher quality and more significant research.
For patient involvement to have the maximum benefit for your research Arthritis Action encourages you to adopt the INVOLVE National Standards for Public Involvement values and principles. These values and principles have been co-developed by researchers, patients and involvement professionals to help you deliver best practice.
Please see our Terms & Conditions page for information on usage of our website and advice provided.
University of Kent research project: a Research Study into the Effectiveness of the Nutritional Element of Arthritis Action’s Programme.
The University has designed an intervention study which uses a food frequency questionnaire and arthritis impact questionnaire to record nutritional intake and correlate them with symptoms of arthritis to give a subjective view of the efficacy of diet on arthritis. At the same time they want to record objective data by taking blood samples from some participants and analysing an array of biomarkers for the signs of inflammation found in osteoarthritis.
The data collection and analysis phase of the project is underway, with results due towards the end of 2014. Preliminary results were presented at the Nutrition Society conference in July 2014. A poster was published in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (Volume 73, Issue OCE3, 2014). To view the poster click here.
These results will be promoted at an international scientific conference and published in a relevant scientific journal. In this way we will be adding to the knowledge base about arthritis while ensuring we are giving evidence based advice to our members.
London Metropolitan University research project to assess the validity of Arthritis Action’s 7-Day Food Diary with a weighed food diary.
This project validated the 7-Day Food Diary that our dietitian uses during a nutritional consultation.We want to ensure that the method we use for recording food intake is the most reliable available. We asked London Metropolitan University to undertake the study.
The final results of the research study showed that reporting from the food diary was as accurate as the ‘gold standard’ reporting which is the result we wanted to validate the diary. This means we can use it with complete confidence that it is ‘doing the job’. Members have also said that it is very easy to use and is much simpler than the old style food diary.
As a by-product of the analysis the study showed that the nutrient intake of the participants is “healthier” than the average UK population intake. Percentage intake of energy from fat and in particular saturated fats is favourably lower, and fibre intake is higher. The intake of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and Vitamin C is also higher than the average UK population, which indicates that the participants’ diet is high in fruit and vegetables.
Generally, intake of micronutrients for the participants met the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) with the exception of Vitamin D. Vitamin D intake was similar to intake for the general population at 3.3ug/d but was lower than the recommended level of 10 ug/d. As the majority of Vitamin D comes from sunlight, the assessment of dietary intake for Vitamin D remains controversial.
The researchers from London Metropolitan University presented this study at the Nutrition Society Conference in July 2014 and will be publishing their complete findings in a scientific journal in due course.
Overcoming the Challenges by Spotlight Market Research
People with arthritis feel isolated, scared about the future and don’t want to ask family, friends or doctors for help, according to new research commissioned by Arthritis Action.
Arthritis – Overcoming the Challenges by Spotlight Market Research, surveyed more than 770 people with arthritis. Over half of those interviewed feel they need to take charge of their condition because the NHS is over-stretched.
A third of respondents said they feel doctors, the NHS and the government aren’t doing enough to help people with arthritis.
A respondent with osteoarthritis said, “My family complain and say, ‘go and see the doctor mum,’ but I know there is no point.”
Another commented, “I don’t bother with the doctor any more, they just give you painkillers”.
One in three reported feeling low or depressed. Many stated that they felt arthritis was judged more widely as an unattractive, often age-related, condition of little importance. More than half of respondents under 55 said they were scared about the future and felt family, friends and their employer didn’t understand what it was like to be in constant pain.
Shortages in physiotherapy appointments or pain clinics in the NHS are perceived to be part of the problem, alongside delays in diagnosis for people who have newly developed arthritis.
There are around 10million people in the UK living with arthritis[1], making it the most prevalent chronic health condition in the country. That figure is predicted to rise to 17million by 2030[2]. One in five GP appointments are for musculoskeletal problems and the NHS spends over £5billion a year on arthritis and relat… more
Commenting on the report’s findings, Arthritis Action’s Chief Executive, Shantel Irwin, said it is time for the impact of arthritis on individuals and services to be fully recognised:
“Arthritis continues to languish as the Cinderella condition among chronic diseases. This report confirms that people with arthritis feel despondent about the medical help and personal support available to them, which affects their ability to take control of their condition.
“Research shows that a supported self-management approach, like that offered by Arthritis Action, including exercise, weight and pain management, and healthy eating, can significantly improve people’s quality of life.
“As the number of people living with arthritis rises year on year, it’s time for a step change in the way we view and treat arthritis and we want to see the NHS and charities working together to support more people to self-manage their condition.”
Arthritis Action, formerly known as The Arthritic Association, has relaunched in June 2014, offering hands-on help, proven to combat arthritis pain through self-management and lifestyle.
Alpa Virdi, Director of Spotlight Market Research, commented that health professionals acknowledge the importance of emotional wellbeing in managing arthritis:
“There is increasing recognition by GPs that preventing social isolation is an important part of patients’ management of arthritis. Health professionals we interviewed agreed that counselling, therapy and social support services are lacking and need to be better integrated with medical care.
“For the most effective management and the best chance of preventing disability caused by arthritis, all organisations from the NHS to voluntary groups, charities and individuals themselves need to work together and co-ordinate their services.”
The report recommends a range of social and physical activities, support programmes, and talking therapies to help reduce feelings of isolation.
Additionally, the report identifies better information, help with life-planning, and access to low or no-cost physical activities as important in supporting the emotional wellbeing of people with arthritis.