Research Involvement Opportunities - Arthritis Action

Research Involvement Opportunities

HIPPOCRATES Prospective Observational Study (HPOS)

Identifying people at risk of developing psoriatic arthritis

  • Are you living with psoriasis and want to participate in research?
  • Aged 18 or over and living in Europe
  • Not diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis

Researchers invite you to share your experiences.

Up to one third of people living with psoriasis will develop a related arthritis causing inflammation in the joints and tendons.

HPOS is a study of people living with psoriasis. Led by patient research partners and a research team at the University of Oxford and Trinity College Dublin, it is part of a large research project investigating psoriasis arthritis across Europe. Researchers want to identify which people living with psoriasis will develop arthritis. With your help, they can advance medicine and improve long-term quality of life for people living with psoriasis.

The study will run over 5 years and participants will be treated with full confidentiality. You will be asked to complete a small number of online questionnaires. You can choose which parts of the study to be a part of and can change your mind about participating, and your preferences, at any time.

You can find more information on the study website here.

If you have any further questions, contact

This research opportunity is NOT organised by Arthritis Action and we cannot take responsibility for your involvement.

University of Cumbria

The relationship between social support and exercise management for individuals with arthritis

This study will assess the level of social support individuals with arthritis receive from family and friends in relation to their exercise habits. It will evaluate how this support influences their functional ability to manage arthritis symptoms, focusing on differences between family and friend contributions.

This study aims to improve understanding of the role social support plays in arthritis management, laying the groundwork for future research to enhance patient outcomes.

The findings aim to provide valuable insights into the influence of social support on exercise adherence and arthritis management, offering potential implications for healthcare practices and intervention strategies.

Participants are asked to complete an online survey designed to examine the impact of family and friend support on their ability to engage in exercise and manage their arthritis effectively.

Take Part here

The survey close date is March 14th, 2025.


If you have any further questions these can be directed to Arslan Kamboh

NHS Talking Therapies

NHS Talking Therapies – Experiences of Pre-Assessment (Triage)


We’re seeking the views and experiences of people who have used NHS Talking Therapies, to inform NICE guidance.

If you’ve used NHS Talking Therapies, please complete our survey, about your experience of pre-assessment (also known as triage) here.

The NICE survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and will close at 12 midday, Friday 7th February 2025.

All responses are anonymous, we won’t ask for any personal details like your name or where you live. Any potentially identifiable information that you provide will be removed before the data is analysed.

If you have any questions about this research, please contact