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We all realise that making a start with movement and exercise can sometimes be daunting, especially if you have arthritis. That is why we have complied the list below to support you in your journey towards moving move.
1. Write it down first
A good starting point is to write out a bucket list for the next 5 years of things you really want to do. Perhaps a dream holiday or visit to a city, might feature.
Ask yourself if you are fit enough now to do this trip? If not – don’t’ worry. There is always a way of improving your physical condition, and the list will be a great motivation to make a start!
If yes – great! Now let’s underwrite your fitness and ability to tick off that into the future!
2. A schedule can work wonders
Try planning out work exercise a week in advance. Use a diary of note app on your device. This simple act means you don’t have to worry about what exercise to do during your week. Invest some time every weekend to plan the week ahead.
3. Even a few minutes a day will really help
By being active every day, we are also training our minds that this is our normal. This is called movement snacking, and this is more and more recognised as being great for us. So even a few minutes, if done regularly will accumulate to benefit our long-term health.
4. Understand the wisdom of your body
Feeling tired or sore can be normal following exercise. It can also indicate that you have not recovered fully from your last time you exercised and can be affected if you are out of your normal routine for sleep or diet. Perhaps concentrate on stretching on a day you are feeling more stiff or sore, or using a gentle walk or pool session to help your body recover more quickly.
5. Pay attention diet and rest
Fit and healthy bodies are as much built in the kitchen and the bedroom as with exercise.
Research has shown that maintaining healthy weight prevents fat from infiltration into our muscles and organs, which is key to keeping us stronger in the long run
Watch our webinar on eating healthy with arthritis (opens on YouTube).
Prioritizing good sleep and relaxation can help us more fully recover and adapt to our exercise session.
6. Vary what you do
Try new activities or mixing up olds ones! Its great to move our bodies in different ways whilst learning new movement and skills.
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